I would like to extend a special congratulations to one of my newest team members Andrea Wilcox on her recent promotion to 
Senior Gift Director & All Stars
Keep up the awesome work Andrea!!!

If you are looking for a La Bella Baskets consultant in the Jackson, MI area check out Andrea's website at:



Andrea Wilcox

Message from Andrea

I am so happy that I came across Kim's Craigslist ad for La Bella Baskets at the end of October! I am so excited to be a part of this wonderful company! I love La Bella Baskets and think Janis and Mia are genius for creating a business opportunity that allows so much flexibility and individual creativity, has such a variety of products and requires little financial investment compared to other online companies. I am thrilled that I became a Sr. Gift Director so quickly and earned the All Star bonus! It has been so wonderful to be able to work from home and do as little or as much work as I am able to each day. La Bella Baskets has been a blessing for me as I am a mother of 3 and am caring for my grandmother in my home, who has dementia. I love all the training and support that is available to us, from the Facebook page, to the training calls and the individual support from my wonderful sponsor, Kim Snyder! Kim has offered great guidance and encouragement to help keep me going. I am motivated to succeed and am working to achieve my next promotion! 

Thank you!
Andrea Wilcox

A Note  From his Proud Enroller/Friend:

Congratulations Andrea!!! I am so excited for you. From the day you joined La Bella you have been my girl on fire with sale after sale! I think that one big sale at Christmas time really shocked us both, but I was so happy for you. Whenever I see new consultants come in with a plan and go for what they want, I truly admire that. I am so delighted to have you on my team and to watch you achieve your first new promotion as Senior Gift Director in 30 days. I love your drive and determination to grow your business without letting anything stop you. I pray much success and favor for you as you continue to work your business and care for your family. I know your "Why" for joining La Bella will carry you on to higher levels in this wonderful company and I look forward to seeing you achieve your next promotion very soon. Keep up the awesome work Andrea and let's continue to grow our businesses and work together to make La Bella a household name here in Michigan! 

Many Blessings,

A Note From The Co-founders:
Wow is an understatement for you Andrea!! You have blown us away with your passion and drive and no excuses attitude!

We love that you have never let anything get in your way, you are full speed ahead and never looking back!! Not only did you reach Sr. Gift director but you also earned the All Star bonus of $200.00!   You are a force to be reckoned with lady!!   We are excited for your future and we know that the next promotion will be just around the corner!

Your biggest fans,
Janis, Mia & LBB Team

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